After removing sadel,fueltank and airbox you can see the carburators
Next step disconect choke cabke , trottle cables, TPS,
fully slacken the clamp screws of the cylinder intake rubbers and than the carbs can be removed
The diafragma's are under the black covers. remove the 2 screws and the cover lifts. There's a spring underneath but not much tension
The diafragma can be removed. Its made of verry thin rubber so be careful it doesn't stick
ATTENTION : to this litle o-ring
after checking all four the carbs a notice a deforming of the n°4 diafragma
I change this for a new one as this is probably the couse of the bad trottle respons I was experiencing.
But now I'm so far , I continue disassemblying for cleaning and checking For removin g the needles you first need to remove the needle holder. Its just presfit , so remove it with a small plier
Watch the little spring
When you remove the needle be carreful for the small washers
Rotate the carbs to acces the flaot chambers
N° 3
While removing the float be carreful for the needle valve, it isn't secured
check the small filters
next, remove main jet and jet holder pay attention for the jet nozzle and the small sealing washer